A Week in the Life – Samniqueka Halsey

Sam is a 5th year PhD candidate (recently defended!) from PEEC working in James Miller’s Lab. Her work focuses on using computational approaches to understand biodiversity-disease relationship in regard to the vector-borne disease, Lyme disease.

What have you been working on this past week?

Teaching! It’s the end of the semester and I’ve mainly been grading class projects, etc. I’m the lead TA for an online course that’s in its first semester and that’s definitely been a different experience, as we are working out the issues as we go along. In addition, I’ve mainly been perusing job boards and applying for jobs. I haven’t touched my dissertation research all this week, actually not all, since successfully defending last month. No worries, it won’t last too long, but sometimes you need a break to avoid burnout.  

What have you been listening to recently?

I’ve mainly been listening to my current favorite podcast call #WizardTeam which is a Harry Potter Podcast from a black students point of view. The podcast goes chapter by chapter and goes deep.

What have you been reading recently?

I just ordered a whole bunch of books from my wish list to read now that the grind of my dissertation is over. The first up is Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes and Black Women in America by Melissa V. Harris-Perry.

Do you have a work routine/schedule?

Monday-Friday I wake at 5am, go to the gym and am usually in the lab from 9-4pm, before going home and relaxing. I rarely deviate from this.

What’s a fun thing you did this past week?

I obtained a new personal record for my deadlift and squat at 335 and 345 pounds, respectively.

What is your favorite coffee place in campus? Why?

My Keurig is my favorite place to get coffee. It’s in my lab and always ready to go. It has fueled my Ph.D. and was a gift in my first semester. I love having a personal coffee maker because I don’t have to go anywhere to get coffee. No worries, I do have a reusable coffee filter.

What are you looking forward to for next week?

The semester is over, which means I can finally relax and celebrate defending my dissertation. I’m going to my hometown for about a week before going on a road trip to see Niagara Falls.

What are your hobbies?

Lifting weights, listening to podcast and recording my podcast, BIJTG

How do you unwind after a long day of work?

Binging Netflix Cartoons and TV shows. I’m a kid a heart when it comes to cartoons. I actually just found out about Sick Note (though not a cartoon), but it features Rupert Grint who played Ron Weasley. I also might be caught coloring in my adult coloring book on my iPad.

Do you have any interesting office decorations?

I have a  LEGO cluster and two marsupials hanging out on my desk. Just a reminder that I will go to Australia to find a job, if need be.

What was your favorite event of the past week?

I taught teens at the Boys and Girls Club how to make French Toast and omelet muffins.

What’s your favorite lunch place?

I actually don’t eat out much. I try to cook my own food as much as possible. Though to save time this semester to focus on my defense, I used a meal delivery service, Factor75, basically home cooked meals that I can pop in the microwave for breakfast and lunch. They are a huge life saver.

Do you like to work anywhere besides your office? Where and why?

No, I try to only work in my office from 9-4. I’m one of those who need consistency (and noise cancelling headphones) to be as efficient as possible.

What did you do over the past weekend?

Volunteer with Austin’s Place which is the only Women’s homeless shelter in CU. They are still in need of volunteers, so sign up to join.