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Numbering sequences

Owing to the length and complexity of the study, the same one thousand number sequence was used several times during the course of the study. When we reached _999 on one sequence in a site, we selected another one thousand sequence that was not in use elsewhere in the study, nor had been used for sufficient time that no animals from that sequence marked in another site would still be alive. Even though we had to use the same sequence subsequently in the same site, the repeated one thousand sequence was changed to a ten thousand sequence so that analytical models would not thing the same number represented the same animal, even though several years later. Note also a lot animals lost toes naturally, so we often had numbers representing one toe missing (1,2,4,7, 10,20,40,70, 100,200,400,700, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 7,000) appearing more than once in a site and when obviously not recaptured and previously marked animals. We tried to determine which ones were “naturally” numbered and assign them a new number, or indicate represented new recruits.

During the first few months of the study we used a sequential numbering system with all sites (Alf 01, BG 06, and TG TR 12) in the one number sequence until we got into the 2,000s. Then saw this would not work, so went to assigning a separate one thousand sequence to each study site. Except that for the original BG 06 (entire site) site we used the same sequence when the site was divided into north (BG 09) and south (BG 10, 11) sites. Likewise, we used the same sequence for the various “sites” involving the east and west sites in the Phillip Tract tallgrass habitat.

Here is the number sequences that were used and in what sites and approximately times (when animals were marked, not when all animals with that number finally disappeared from the site in which marked):

Alf 1, May 72
Alf 2, May 77-August 81
Alf 3, Nov 85-Mar 87
Alf 5, Jun 93-May 97 (end)
BG 06, Aug 71-Sep 72
TG 12, Mar72-Nov 72
TG 17 and TG 15 Sep 77-Sep 81

Alf 1 June 72-August 73
Alf 3, May 83-Jul 84 (end)
Alf 3, Mar 87-Dec 89
BG 06, Apr 72-Sep 73
TG 12, Nov 72-Jun 73
TG 12, Feb 74-Mar 77 (End)
TG 14, Jan 81-Nov 83
TG 13, Sep 84-Jun 85

Alf 03, Dec 89 (one month)
BG 08, Jun 77-Nov 83 (End)
TG 12, Jun 73-Feb 74
TG 13, Jun 85-Apr 87 (End)
TG 16, and 19 Nov 90-May 97 (End)

BG 09 and 10, Dec 83-Dec 86
BG 09, Sep 90-May 97 (end)

Alf 4, Jan 90-May 93 (end)
BG 06, Sep 73-Oct 76
BG 07, Sep 80-Dec 85

Alf 3, Dec 84-Nov 85
BG O6, Oct 76-May 77 (end)
BG 09 and 10, May 77-Dec 82

Alf 1 June 76-end
TG 17 and 15, Sep 81-May 84
TG 18 and 19 Sep 84-Jan 86
TG 19, Sep 84-Jan 86

BG 09, Dec 86-Sep 90
BG 10, Dec 86-Jun 87
BG 07 Mar 77-Sep 80

Alf 2, Aug 1-May 83
TG 18, Jan 86-Mar 87
TG 16 and 19, Sep 87-Nov 90

Alf 3, May 83-Dec 84
BG 07, Dec 85-Jun 87 (End)


l979 Comparisons of population demography of Microtus ochrogaster and M. pennsylvanicus . Acta Theriol., 24:3l9-349 (L. Getz, L. Verner, F. Cole, J. Hofmann and D. Avalos)

l985 Significance of disperal in fluctuating populations of Microtus ochrogaster and M. pennsylvanicus. Jour. Mamm., 66:338-347. (L. Verner and L. Getz)

l987 Vegetation characteristics of Microtus ochrogaster and M. pennsylvanicus habitat in east-central Illinois. Jour. Mamm., 68:569-577. (B. Klatt and L. Getz)

l987 Fourteen years of population fluctuations of Microtus ochrogaster and M. pennsylvanicus in east central Illinois. Can. Jour. Zool. 65:l3l7-l325. (L. Getz, J. Hofmann, B. Klatt, L. Verner, R. Cole, and R. Lindroth).

1989 A fourteen year study of Blarina brevicauda populations in east-central Illinois. Jour. Mamm. 70:5-66.

1994 Population dynamics of the short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda. In Advances in the biology of shrews. (J. J. Merritt, G. L. Kirkland and R. K. Rose, eds.). Bull Carnegie Museum. Pp. 27-38.

1999 Diversity and stability of small mammals in tallgrass prairie habitat in central Illinois, USA. Oikos 85: 356-363 (L. Getz and J. Hofmann)

2001 Twenty-five years of population fluctuations of Microtus ochrogaster and M. pennsylvanicus in three habitats in east-central Illinois. In Press. Journal of Mammalogy 82: 22-34.. (L. Getz, J. Hofmann, B. McGuire, and T. Dolan III)