Microtus Data Files
Original Field Trap Records

Explanation - Original, actual, field trap records.

These are the cleaned (duplicated numbers renumbered, obviously wrong entries eliminated, etc.) captures of each trapping session; all captures of each individual during each session. Entered from field trap record sheets.

Note that some of the files are for sites in which one of the species was removed each month as part of the interspecific interaction study. These files record all the individuals that were captured and removed. The majority of the captures were of un-marked animals. When there is an animal number recorded, it is an animal that was marked somewhere else and had immigrated into the site.

Removal files are:
Microtus ochrogaster
MO 10 (Bluegrass)

Microtus pennsylvanicus:
MP 09 (Bluegrass)
MP 14 (Tallgrass)
MP 18 (Tallgrass)
MP 19 (Tallgrass)

About the data file entries
The data included in each column of the raw data entries:

A. Animal number: (-1. no captures that session)
B. Sex: -1, no data; 0, sex nor recorded; 1, male; 2, female.
C. Reproductive condition: -1, no data; 0, not recorded; 1, non- reproductive (see Methods file); 2, reproductive; 3 (females only), pregnant.
D. Body mass: grams
E. Date of capture: year/month/day.
F. Time of capture: 1, morning trap check; 2, afternoon trap check.
G. Trap station: see diagrams of grids for each study area.
H. 0, first time captured; 1, recaptured (note: these data not too accurate; use with caution).
I. Species: 1, Microtus ochrogaster; 2, Microtus pennsylvanicus.(redundant; see list of study sites)
J. Study site (redundant; see list of study sites).
K. Trap session number

Note also that I some instances, the person entering the data used a period or left blank, if no data for that column of the entry. In the sites where all individuals of one species were removed each trapping session, a variety of entries were used to indicate the animal was un-numbered (period, 0, -1, or simply left blank). Also, may have used these indicators for other unknowns regarding the captured animal that was removed.

Microtus ochrogaster - 19 files

Microtus pennsylvanicus - 19 files