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Environmental Plant Physiology

Lab-Related Downloads / Links

A simple utility for analyzing Photosynthetic-CO2 response curves: PS-FIT_7 3
A simple Microsoft Excel-based photosynthesis model: Farquhar_Model
A Wolfram Mathematica model* of photosynthetic responses to CO2
A Wolfram Mathematica model* of photosynthetic responses to light
A Wolfram Mathematica model* of photosynthetic responses to temperature
A Wolfram Mathematica model* for diurnal photosynthesis
A simple Mathematica* canopy photosynthesis model
A simple Mathematica* model for the energetics of photosynthesis
Florida Photos

*Needs Wolfram's free CDF Player

Associated Departments and Projects at The University of Illinois

The SoyFACE Project
The Department of Plant Biology
The Department of Atmospheric Sciences
The Department of Computer Sciences
Transporting Energy Resource from Renewable Agriculture - Mobile Energy-Crop Phenotyping Platform (TERRA-MEPP)
Water Efficient Sorghum Technologies (WEST)
Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE)
The Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI)


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