

Flowers: Simple, imperfect and the plants dioecious; calyx reduced to a disk in Populus or nectar glands in Salix; often subtended by a bract; carpels 2-4, syncarpous, 1-locular; many parietal ovules. Salix bee pollinated; Populus wind pollinated

Inflorescences: Catkins

Fruits: Capsules; seeds hairy (comose)

Habit: Trees and shrubs; salicin (aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, originally from Salix),

Leaves: Alternate, simple, entire or toothed, with stipules

Examples: Only 2 genera

Salix (willows)

S. babylonica (weeping willow)
S. humilis (prairie willow)
Populus (poplars)
P. alba (white poplar)
P. deltoides (cottonwood)
P. tremuloides (quaking aspen)