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22-Taraxacum details

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This image contains details from two different regions of a flower of Taraxacum officinale. In the upper left, you can see the top part of the tube formed by the connate anthers. In the Asteraceae in general, pollen is shed inside this tube. As the style elongates, pollen is pushed out the tip of the anther tube. Sometimes there is a special "brush" towards the tip of the style to push the pollen out of the anther tube. The 2 stigmas are folded shut as the style elongates, then they spread open after they emerge beyond the anther tube.

In the lower right, you can see that the filaments are distinct above the point where they attach to the corolla tube and below the anther tube.

Image based on a photo by K. R. Robertson and D. L. Nickrent.

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